Teacher eNrichment Time (TNT) 2022

On September 10th many of our children’s workers gathered for a time of inspiration, equipping and fellowship. Our time was opened by our elder, Dave Jones, who expressed appreciation for the work of our children’s staff, and led us in prayer. Frank Dubuy then led us in worship to prepare our hearts to learn of Christ and our part in His mission.  Pastor Ron then led the general session: Present Day Challenges to Children’s Ministry helping us see how badly a solid gospel work is needed in our day. 

Some time was spent as well reviewing our emergency plan which is posted in all classrooms. This plan should be reviewed frequently so that as a staff we can be prepared. 

After a break we concluded our morning with two sessions of workshops. You can find those workshops and their supporting material below. 

Essential Elements of an Effective Lesson

Biblical Storytelling

Fun and Effective Ways to Teach Memory Verse

Classroom Management

The Grand Story of the Bible